SASA Membership
To be a contributing industry member of SASA activities and resources, the member organisation must comply with full requirements of the Industry Standards detailed below under the “REQUIREMENTS FOR INDUSTRY MEMBERSHIP OF SASA".
Such a requirement has been set to ensure that best practice principals and procedures are in place to provide the customer with assurance as to the quality of products supplied. In recognition of this, industry members are permitted adopt the SASA branding recognising the quality of its products and manufacture. SASA cannot support and does not represent other RR&R organisations that do not conform to the standards and practices required of Industry Membership.
Industry member entitlements:
- Recognition as a preferred supplier of recycled products through SASA branding of corporate stationary and documentation.
- Representation on the stakeholder consultative group including participation in, recognition of and access to commercially focussed research and development programs and published outcomes.
- Exclusive members only access to the SASA website including recognition of premium membership on the homepage with organisational preferred supplier link.
- Access to materials technology consultancy expertise through ARRB including no fee short consultation bureau service.
- Support assistance and direction to national and international recycled materials research and expertise through SASA consultant members.
- Priority professional development through national and regional conferences, seminars, training courses and study tours.
To qualify for industry membership, members must be prequalified as a supplier of materials to DPTI, and is recommended to be a member of the Waste Management Association of Australia.
DTEI Prequalification
Waste Management Association of Australia
Waste Management Association of Australia
- National Code of Best Practice (WMAA members only document)
- National Guideline for Asbestos management (WMAA members only document)
SASA welcomes participating contributions from industry associations. Stakeholder membership is by SASA invitation, or via Company request. There is no fee to become a stakeholder member.
The principal stakeholders invited to be a part of SASA include:
- Consult Australia
- Civil Contractors Federation of Australia
- Institute of Public Works Engineering Australia
- Local Government Association
- State Government Departments
- Roads Australia
- Waste Management Association of Australia
General Entitlements:
- Representation on the stakeholder consultative group including participation in, recognition of and access to commercially focussed research and development programs and published outcomes.
- Access to SASA website general information and industry updates
- Access to materials technology consultancy expertise through ARRB on a fee-for-service basis
Further Entitlements:
Consultant Support Member – Members of Consult Australia
- Recognition as a supplier of consultative services to the RR&R industry and its stakeholders
- Opportunity for participation in industry commercial research development programs
Construction Support Member – Members of Civil Contractors Federation of Australia
- Recognition as an experienced user of recycled materials
- Opportunity for participation in associated research and development programs
Procurement Support Member – State Government Departments, LGA and IPWEA
- Recognition as an experienced user of recycled materials
- Opportunity for participation in associated research and development programs
SASA welcomes participating contributions from individuals with an interest in sustainable aggregates. Entitlements:
- Access to SASA website general information and industry updates
- Opportunity for participation in associated research and development programs